Congratulations 到2020年CALED奖得主

Below are the Award of Excellence recipients in each of the four categories (Collaborations, Gamechanger, Programs, Promotions). 祝贺你的出色工作.


Award of Excellence

City of Hayward: Industrial 2.0:先进工业商务招商

海沃德市和Shea Properties合作创建了一个规划开发区,将办公用地转变为现代轻工业园区,旨在吸引先进的工业企业并创造STEM就业机会. 四座“甲类”楼宇的权益, totaling 275,000 square feet, involved collaborating to create a list of allowed primary uses that are consistent with the City’s targeted industry clusters. In 2019, the business park was fully leased; adding over 400 jobs. Tenants include: a fabricator of solar hardware; an industrial 3D printer; an ambulance and medical training facility; and a biotechnology software company.

For more information, contact Paul Nguyen, 经济发展经理 for the City of Hayward, at or 510.583.5540.

Award of Merit

City of Burbank: MUSEXPO创意峰会和世界无线电峰会伙伴关系

伯班克经济发展招募了MUSEXPO创意峰会和世界广播峰会(MUSEXPO)到伯班克,支持当地经济中表现最好的音乐/娱乐部门. 作为好莱坞/洛杉矶的旗舰活动,MUSEXPO已经建立了全球尊重的声誉,聚集了来自音乐和媒体领域的前瞻性高管. 首届博物馆博览会于2019年在Castaway Burbank举行. As a result, MUSEXPO attracted 1,247 attendees, 生成769个房间夜, contributed $500,为当地经济贡献了1万美元, 巩固了这座城市作为国际娱乐场所的地位, 会议及旅游目的地.

For more information, contact Mary Hamzoian, 伯班克市社区发展部经济发展经理, at MHamzoian@burbankca.govor 818.238.5208.

City of Glendale:格兰岱尔以家庭为中心的科技战略

Glendale’s Family Centric Tech Strategy outlines the path to growing a technology-based sector. 促进这个行业的发展, two things were required: understanding the existing tech scene; and crafting strategies based on the distinct needs of the area. Through the City’s efforts, one common need became clear – the need to create an inclusive & 面向家庭的技术中心. Subsequently, collaborations with local family centric startups and the school district were overwhelmingly accepted by the tech community, cementing the City’s theory that a Glendale tech hub will thrive when families with children are added to the mix.

For more information, 联系桑德拉·罗德里格斯, 格伦代尔市社区发展部项目协调员, at or 818.937.8313.

孟斐市经济发展部: Manufacturing Day

The City of Menifee collaborated with community partners to take part in the nation-wide initiative, Manufacturing Day. Through this event, 学生们在导游的带领下参观了美国最大的管道制造商之一,并以行业专家的小组讨论结束, ultimately exposing Menifee’s youth to the manufacturing industry and cultivating workforce development within the City.

For more information, contact Gina Gonzalez, 梅尼菲市经济发展部主任, at or 951.672.6777.


小企业是全国最大的就业机会创造者. 这些工作影响着美国的每个社区,莫雷诺谷也不例外. 作为一个不断发展的社区, 莫雷诺谷有超过214只,000 people and over 4,500 businesses strong. 有了这个强大且不断增长的生态系统, it was imperative that the City develop programming to assist small businesses and foster an environment of entrepreneurship. “小企业星期三”于2019年1月开发并推出. 与几个主要合作伙伴合作, 该计划方便地提供了一系列小型企业研讨会, training, 技术援助对新的和现有的小企业至关重要.

欲了解更多信息,请联系莫雷诺谷市城市经理迈克·李 or 951.413.3460.

City of San Marcos & North City圣马科斯的新市中心

北城是海风物业在圣马科斯的一个独一无二的发展, 澳门皇家堵场上线啦大学利用圣马科斯市和澳门皇家堵场上线啦州立大学圣马科斯分校之间的合作伙伴关系来改善大学学生的生活, living in town, 以及大圣地亚哥地区. 以长远的眼光建设与周围环境相协调的社区, 北城的混合用途建筑的刻意组合, residences, destination-worthy餐饮/娱乐, student housing, campus facilities, open and gathering spaces has charted a new course for how purposeful development can inspire and support an entire community.

For more information, contact Tess Sangster, 圣马科斯市经济发展部主任, at or 760.744.1050, ext. 3120.


小企业是澳门皇家堵场上线啦经济的支柱,非营利组织致力于提高澳门皇家堵场上线啦生活质量的有益事业. 然而,这些企业往往举步维艰, 特别是那些弱势社区和妇女拥有的社区, minorities, veterans, and the disabled. 通过与澳门皇家堵场上线啦基础设施的合作 & 经济发展银行(IBank)和银行和非银行贷款机构网络, 非营利性的奥兰治县小企业发展公司(SBDC-OC)通过发放信贷/贷款担保,帮助这些实体获得扩张所需的资金, 工作保留/创建, 以及进入主流资本市场的途径. SBDC-OC during its last fiscal year achieved unprecedented success helping Golden State businesses and non-profits thrive.

欲了解更多信息,请联系Michael A. sdc - oc总裁兼首席执行官奥卡西奥(Ocasio)表示 or 714.571.1900.

City of Tehachapi: 228 W. Tehachapi Blvd.

这个项目是蒂哈查皮市和巴迪之间的合作 & Nikki Cummings, 山顶控股有限公司, 最终是世界风能和太阳能, 是德哈查皮市最大的雇主之一. 这个项目的合作经历了多个阶段. Once purchased, the Cummings were not completely sold on how they would reuse the historic space. There were a variety of ideas pitched to the City’s economic development and development services teams through multiple meetings. 这些想法与分区和市中心的具体计划相互参照,目的是开发一个有利于社区的项目.

For more information, 联系科里·科斯特洛, 经济发展协调员/城市经理助理 for the City of Tehachapi, at or 661.822.2200 ex. 121.


Award of Excellence


Robertson 's Ready Mix是混凝土产品的领先供应商. 在City公司成立之前,他们在莫雷诺山谷经营一家批量工厂. 多年来,工厂周围的地区发生了变化. However, the batch plant remained as a non-conforming use; it became the source of substantial health hazards and roadway deterioration.

莫雷诺山谷市组建了一个公私合作伙伴关系,将低效的批处理工厂搬迁到一个新的最先进的设施,并通过创造就业机会来重新开发该工厂, 创收用途. 小区综合重建项目包括两家酒店, a service station, 还有几家顶级餐厅和零售店.

For more information, contact Mike Lee, Interim City Manager, 莫雷诺山谷的城市, at or 951.413.3460.

Award of Merit of Glendale:格兰岱尔商业扩展资助计划

自重新开发的解散, Glendale has remained committed to finding innovative ways to stimulate the City’s economic vibrancy. 业务扩展补助计划, 是由2012年的议会条例促成的, 旨在恢复积极的经济发展. 它是一种改善租户空间的工具, 提供业务拓展机会,吸引餐厅, creative uses, and other amenities, 哪些需要高昂的前期租客成本. 为业主和租户提供财政奖励, 澳门皇家堵场上线啦吸引了更高要求的基础设施和专业设备, 对建筑物进行持久的升级, 这对现在和未来的租户都有好处, 刺激就业,增加销售税收入.

For more information, 联系桑德拉·罗德里格斯, 格伦代尔市社区发展部项目协调员, at or 818.937.8313. of Menifee: Streamline Menifee

新的“streamlined Menifee”计划专注于提供快速的客户服务和处理,通过比以往更快地获得许可和批准来节省时间和金钱. New technology, simplified fees, and a one-stop, 一层楼的审批流程让您比以往更快地进出和建造. Streamline Menifee is a Gamechanger to the City of Menifee because it has completely revolutionized the way the city does business.

For more information, contact Gina Gonzalez, Economic Development Director, City of Menifee, at or 951.672.6777.


Award of Excellence


The 圣克拉利塔山谷经济发展公司 (SCVEDC) has launched a free comprehensive job board, to specifically match Santa Clarita Valley (SCV) career opportunities with the talent that lives there, 解决本地雇主的迫切需要. 长期以来,圣克拉利塔山谷的企业见证了受过良好教育的人, 从SCV上班的专业居民, 虽然附近有很多机会. 公司努力在本地招聘,因为更短的通勤时间和更好的工作/生活平衡是就业满意度和更高员工保留率的关键因素.

欲了解更多信息,请联系霍利施罗德,总裁 & CEO, SCVEDC, at or 661.288.4400.

Award of Merit

City of Burbank: Startup.伯班克Pitch Festival

利用超过154家企业的创业精神,000名员工,高度集中于娱乐业, healthcare, and technology, 伯班克经济发展公司启动了创业公司.2018年伯班克Pitch Festival. 目标是通过认识到建立下一代科技公司的跨学科合作的重要性来促进创新. The 2019 event saw 50 applications by entrepreneurial startups from across Southern California, 三名获奖者将获得140美元的奖金,000美元的谷歌云创业技术培训和指导-实现伯班克经济发展战略的关键支柱,以增强伯班克的创业生态系统,并影响伯班克不断增长的技术和娱乐工作集群.

For more information, contact Mary Hamzoian, 经济发展经理, 伯班克市-社区发展部, at or 818.238.5208.

Glenn County: Glenn Grows

The Glenn Grows Program was developed beginning in 2017 and a physical business and employment resource center, 包括格伦县的商业孵化空间. 该计划提供个人技术援助, workshops, a co-working, 协作环境, 就业咨询, 网上职位空缺列表, online information, 并回应经济发展的询问.


孟斐市经济发展部: Menifee K.E.E.P. Business Walk

On June 6th, 2019年,梅尼菲市与梅尼菲谷商会合作, 举办了美尼菲的第一次商业漫步, Menifee K.E.E.P(保持现有雇主盈利)商业步道. Menifee K.E.E.P. 是B3(建设更好的企业)计划的新功能吗, 旨在帮助本地企业增加竞争优势, retain jobs, 在经济困难中生存下来,并提供反馈,作为改善梅尼菲市和梅尼菲山谷商会开展业务的工具. 这个项目调查了当地的企业, 收集并分析信息, and created an annual report aimed at improving services to support Menifee’s Business community.

For more information, contact Gina Gonzalez, Economic Development Director, the City of Menifee, at or 951.672.6777.

莫雷诺山谷的城市MoVaLEARNS -市长的挑战

MoVaLEARNS is the first Universal Basic Income program in the United States designed specifically for college students. 该项目每月向参加职业和技术教育(CTE)项目的合格莫雷诺谷学院学生提供津贴,这些项目旨在引导学生获得新的机会和生活工资. 有了这些资金,市政府和学院寻求消除Earn vs .. Learn, a phenomenon experienced in communities across the nation whereby too many students drop out to work in mainly low wage jobs, 使他们和整个社区陷入贫困的恶性循环.

For more information, contact Mike Lee, Interim City Manager, 莫雷诺山谷的城市, at or 951.413.3460.

City of Tehachapi:德哈查皮社区改善项目

特哈查皮社区改善项目是经济发展部门和特哈查皮警察局在社区参与的协助下共同努力的结果, 公共事业和地方信仰组织.

该项目的目标是改善城市最古老的住宅区, currently a popular destination for small businesses and real estate investors due to its proximity to downtown. 该项目包括一项执法调查, 居民需求评估, 两个社区大件物品清理日, 增加警力巡逻, subsidy partnership with Ring video doorbells and the establishment of a resident-controlled neighborhood watch program.

For more information, 联系科里·科斯特洛, 经济发展协调员/城市经理助理, City of Tehachapi, at or 661.822.2200 ext. 121.


Award of Excellence


阿纳海姆的“创新在行动”品牌宣传活动展示了阿纳海姆公司和城市经济发展团队的聪明才智. 该活动展示了经济发展团队如何赋予20多个国家权力,通过为阿纳海姆公司提供创业和商业成功所需的工具和资源,鼓励阿纳海姆公司创新. 品牌宣传活动的特点是通过印刷印刷品进行多平台宣传, marketing videos, media coverage, social media posts, and event outreach. 该活动已达到150多家,000人参加行业活动,超过75,000 people online, 产生了150多个选址咨询, business visitations, 协助与潜在公司的会面.

欲了解更多信息,请联系Jessica M. 冈萨雷斯,阿纳海姆市经济发展经理

Award of Merit

澳门皇家堵场上线啦中央谷电力公司 & 澳门皇家堵场上线啦中部劳动力合作澳门皇家堵场上线啦中部,300英里的机遇

澳门皇家堵场上线啦中央谷经济发展中心与澳门皇家堵场上线啦中部劳动力合作组织(澳门皇家堵场上线啦中部劳动力合作)联手,开展了“史无前例”的合作,以提高服务雇主的效率, existing and new. 2019年的外展活动题为“澳门皇家堵场上线啦中部”, 300英里的机遇号, 推销三位一体的劳动力, 激励和选址-选址. The highlight of this effort was a 32-page brochure on Central California, the eight-county region. ccveddc向2300多家经纪人和近1200家企业提供信息. Results of these efforts are: 50 region-wide proposals produced for companies looking into a location or expansion, investment, 对山谷进行“实地考察”, and 1,估计直接新增370个就业岗位.

For more information, contact Jennifer Faughn, Executive Director, 澳门皇家堵场上线啦中央谷电力公司, at or 661.366.0756.

City of Glendale:发展格伦代尔的创业生态系统

The City of Glendale is committed to supporting and growing business enterprises that improve the City’s economy. 自2017年1月通过Glendale Tech Strategy以来, 伦敦金融城已经实施并促进了各种努力,重点是促进当地初创企业社区的创新生态系统. Promoting the city as a hub for existing start-ups to put down roots and thrive was the first step in the city’s efforts. 下一步是吸引创业公司来这里.

For more information, 联系桑德拉·罗德里格斯, Program Coordinator, 格伦代尔市-社区发展部, at or 818.937.8313.


“大萨克拉门托人才故事”推广活动包括撰写一份关于大萨克拉门托地区人才的综合报告和分析, in partnership with CBRE Sacramento to allow for joint marketing and offering greater credibility to the content provided. 它的主要目标是创建一个强大的营销部分,代表该地区可用的人才管道,以提高网站选择社区以及最终用户商业社区的意识.

For more information, 联系首席执行官丹妮尔·凯西, EDFP, 执行副总裁, 大萨克拉门托经济委员会, at or 916.441.2144.


“在莫诺县远程工作”是一项宣传活动,该地区和社区是那些从事移动职业的人远程生活和工作的理想场所. The promotion is ongoing and has received numerous calls from people who have seen the video, 研究了经济发展网站, 有兴趣搬到莫诺县. 这项活动的目的是鼓励和激励人们思考在一个美丽的环境中生活和工作的可能性,在阳光下和雪地里提供各种户外活动.



Access to real-time, digitally-based real estate information is crucial to the 莫雷诺山谷的城市’s business attraction strategy. In 2016, the 莫雷诺山谷的城市 embarked on the comprehensive development of a business attraction website, 莫雷诺谷商业, 展示城市的资产,吸引世界各地的商业投资. 该项目的范围包括创建一个带有新品牌标志的独立网站, color scheme, tagline, infographics, videos, GIS maps, 以及最新的技术特点. 成品是一个创新和包容性的营销网站,极大地影响了城市的成功成长和发展.

For more information, contact Mike Lee, Interim City Manager, 莫雷诺山谷的城市, or 951.413.3460.

Congratulations to all the 2020 Award Winners and the economic developers who are #makinganimpact!